Integrated Circuits
An integrated circuit contains transistors, capacitors, resistors and other parts packed in high density on one chip. Although the function is similar to a circuit made with separate components, the internal structure of the components are different in an integrated circuit.
The transistors, resistors, and capacitors are formed very small, and in high density on a foundation of silicon. They are formed by a variation of printing technology. There are many kind of I.C's, including special use I.C's
Different Types Of Integrated Circuits:
Integrated circuits are usually referred to as chips. Inside them is a tiny piece of semiconductor with large circuits built in.There are millions of different integrated circuits. The general types of integrated circuits include the following.
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Different Package of I.C's |
- Logic circuits
- Comparators
- Audio amplifiers
- Timers
- Switches
- Regulators
Three Terminal Voltage Regulator
It is very easy to get stabilized voltage for I.C's by using a three terminal voltage regulator. The three terminal voltage regulator outputs stabilized voltage at a lower level than the higher input voltage. A voltage regulator cannot put out higher voltage than the input voltage. They are similar in appearance to a transistor.
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